No ip address huawei e3531-i
No ip address huawei e3531-i

no ip address huawei e3531-i
  1. #No ip address huawei e3531 i install#
  2. #No ip address huawei e3531 i drivers#

  • Use the AT^SETPORT command to find the current configuration mode or set a new one.
  • The modem might also periodically output some debug information which is safe to ignore.

    no ip address huawei e3531-i

  • Once connected type in AT – if everything works the modem will answer back with OK.
  • Start your favourite terminal program (I prefer PuTTY) and connect it to the COM port listed above.
  • From the above list you’ll need to remember the COM port number for the 3G PC UI Interface (in my case COM12).
  • #No ip address huawei e3531 i drivers#

    When done, check that the necessary device drivers are installed correctly.

    #No ip address huawei e3531 i install#

  • To switch an E3131 to modem mode (and disable Hilink), start by connecting it to a computer (Windows will be required to simplify the procedure) and install its driver (and bundled software).
  • Fortunately, a workaround exists (for now). To complicate matters even more, the classical AT^U2DIAG command to disable certain features doesn’t work on (some of) these new modems, like the E3131 I had to deal with. This feature is highly useful on Windows operating systems, but will add an extra level of complexity to using the modem on Linux or in a 3G/4G capable router. Latest Huawei 3G/4G modems come with firmware that implements a feature Huawei calls “ HiLink“, transforming the classical PPP dial-up connection to an always-on wireless broadband.

    No ip address huawei e3531-i